At Wurtsboro Dental in Wurtsboro, NY, you'll discover dental care at the highest level possible:
Technology, advanced training, and compassionate service blended perfectly together.
Dr. Duggal carefully selects technologies proven to deliver the finest experience to her patients. This means comfortable procedures and predictable results. A winning formula, you'll find that contemporary dental care with Wurtsboro Dental leaves you smiling.
Intra-oral camera
A picture explains what words never can, especially when it comes to your teeth. Miniature LED cameras bring the details of our mouths to life in full color.
Cone Beam/3D X-Ray
The complex structures of your jaw region can be difficult to decipher on flat, single dimension x-rays. But advanced 3D imaging brings an unprecedented ability to understand the conditions of your mouth like never before.
Digital X-ray
Digital films with exquisite detail and dramatically reduced radiation exposure offer the ultimate in safety and diagnostic capability.